How To Lose Weight When You Can’t Lose Weight

There are two types of people in the world:
- People who gain weight easily
- People who do not gain weight easily
Which one are you?
Are you the person who gains 5 lbs eating 1 slice of cake?
Or are you the person who can eat an entire pizza pie and not gain an ounce?
If you are the type of person that gains weight easily or has a really hard time losing weight and keeping it off, then we have good news for you.
Things do not have to be this way.
Here’s why…
What Makes Fat People Fat?
Before we get into the meat of it, you need to better understand WHY some people gain weight easily vs. why others who do not.
What it all comes down to is your specific body chemistry.
We’re all human, but we are not all the same.
Everyone has pluses and minuses in the genetics department.
These genetic traits affect everything:
- Your looks
- Your height
- Your muscle mass
- Your potential for disease
- Your weight
The genetic trait that we are specifically talking about is your metabolism and how your body processes all of the food that you eat.
“In 1950 at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, Professor Sir Charles Dodds, who is in charge of the Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry at the Middlesex Hospital, described an experiment he had carried out.
He took people whose weights had been constant for many years and persuaded them to eat double or triple their normal amount of food.
They did not put on weight.
He showed that this was not due to a failure to digest or assimilate the extra food and suggested that they responded to over-eating by increasing their metabolic rate (rate of food using) and thus burned up the extra calories.
He then over-fed people whose weights had not remained constant in the past and found that they showed no increase in metabolism but became fat.” (SOURCE)
This little experiment done by Professor Dodds clearly demonstrates the problem.
Some people gain weight easily, while others don’t gain any weight at all when doing the same exact thing.
It’s kind of screwy but it’s something that we all know to be true.
Some people have slow metabolisms and don’t process food very well.
These are people who gain weight easily.
Other people have super fast metabolisms that process food extremely efficiently.
These are people who do not gain weight easily.
For the people with slow metabolisms, if they eat the same amount as the person with a fast metabolism they will gain weight.
More often than not---even if they eat less food than the people who have fast metabolisms---they will still gain weight…
These are facts that we all know to be true.
So why does nobody talk about it?
How To Lose Weight (The Traditional Way)
For years you’ve been told that the only way to effectively lose weight is to watch what you eat.
Less calories in, more calories out = weight loss.
If your body needs 2,000 calories a day, but you only eat 1,500 calories a day, then you are at negative 500 calories for the day.
Your body can never run off of negative energy, so since you did not supply it with the food it needs, it takes that energy from the extra energy storage you have on your body.
(AKA: Stored glycogen (sugar) & body fat.)
It burns 500 calories worth of sugar/body fat to make up for the -500 calories you didn’t eat.
Do this long enough and poof you lose tons of weight!
While this is technically correct, there is a big problem with this situation.
If you are a part of the category of people who have a hard time losing weight and an easy time gaining weight…
Then counting calories is basically torture.
Because you are intentionally starving yourself to lose weight, so of course you are going to feel like crap.
This is why people hate dieting.
Did you know where counting calories as a diet even came from?
The scientific principal of eating less to lose weight is attributed to William Wald, a surgeon who in 1829, “attributed obesity to ‘an over-indulgence at the table’ and gave, as the first principle of treatment, “taking food that has little nutrition in it.” (SOURCE)
His profound hypothesis was that if you are fat it’s because you eat too much.
So you need to eat less to lose weight.
This was quickly accepted as fact and in the past 200 years not much has changed in the scientific community regarding weight loss.
They say: “The only answer to this is: No matter how little you imagine you eat, if you wish to lose weight you must eat less. Your reserves of fat are then called on to provide the necessary energy — and you lose weight.” (SOURCE)
Of course if you are overweight you will lose weight by eating less, AKA starving yourself.
But herein lies the problem…
How do you feel when you do this?
You feel like crap.
Ask any person who has gone on a severely calorie-restricted diet for a long period of time.
Many people who try to go on these diets really do eat WAY less than most normal people do and they STILL PUT ON WEIGHT or they quickly plateau and CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT.
Not only is every day torture for these people...
But they've crashed their metabolism so hard by eating so few calories per day that right when they go back to eating “normally”, BOOM!
Their weight skyrockets back up to where they were before.
This brings us to our second point.
If counting calories sucks and is not a very effective diet for people with slow metabolisms who have a hard time losing weight then what are they supposed to do?
How To Lose Weight When You Can’t Lose Weight
Let’s forget about counting calories for a minute.
What if there was a diet that you could go on, where the QUALITY of food that you ate mattered more than the QUANTITY of food that you ate?
A diet where you can eat as much of certain foods that you want, not worrying about calories, always satiating yourself and eating until you are full, while you still lose weight every single day.
Is this something you would be interested in?
Now before we tell you the diet, there’s something that you need to know…
Eating too many carbohydrates (starches & sugar) is what makes you fat.
When you take a person that has a hard time putting on weight and you give them tons of carbs to eat, do you know what happens?
Their body naturally increases their metabolism and effectively burns most of, if not all, of the extra carbohydrates and calories that they had eaten.
As represented in this picture below as “Mr. Constant-Weight”
But what happens when you take someone who gains weight easily and you give them the same amount of carbohydrates?
They gain weight (and fat) very rapidly!
As represented in the picture below as “Mr. Fatten-Easily”
Okay, so what is the cause of this? Why does this happen?
Why do some people gain weight very easily and can’t manage to keep off the pounds when they do lose weight?
Their Bodies Do Not Process Carbohydrates Efficiently!
- If you have a hard time losing weight
- If you have a hard time keeping weight off that you did lose
- If you find yourself gaining weight easily
Your body was simply not made to process them effectively.
It’s unfortunate but true.
Some people can eat all the carbs that they want and not gain an ounce.
That is not you.
But you know what, that’s okay.
Because there’s a great diet you can go on that will lead to dramatic weight loss and health improvements for you almost immediately.
It would not be unusual for a normal person to lose over 5+ pounds in a single week while on this diet.
What is the diet called?
(AKA The Zero Carb Diet)
Now you WILL see amazing results if you go on the carnivore diet.
But we also understand that going carnivore is a very drastic lifestyle and dietary change, which is why we recommend that you simply try it out for 1 week to see how your body reacts.
(Click here to read a 1-week guide to the carnivore diet.)
But if all of this is too much for you, then there is another option...
Go Low-Carb To See Amazing Benefits!
By simply switching your normal dietary consumption to a low carbohydrate diet, you will see AMAZING improvements in your weight, health, and overall sense of well-being very quickly.
All that you need to do is review the food you ate yesterday to get your normal macronutrient breakdown.
Once you know what the macronutrients are of the food you usually eat, simply switch your foods around until you get to a solid low carb diet breakdown.
(This should take around 20-30 minutes to figure out)
Here’s how you can calculate the macronutrients of your food in 3 easy steps:
Step 1) Write down everything you ate yesterday
Step 2) Download MyFitnessPal and put everything you ate into it
Step 3) Review your Carbohydrate/Fat/Protein breakdown
Let’s say that at the end of the day yesterday you ate:
- 250 grams of carbs (50% calories)
- 150 grams of protein (30% calories)
- 45 grams of fat (20% calories)
- Total Calories: 2,000
(Above is a pretty standard American diet.)
Okay, we’re going to keep the same amount of calories eaten per day, but switch up the macronutrient breakdown for tomorrow.
Your new low carb diet should consist of high fat, high protein, low carbohydrates. For example…
- 111 grams of fat (50% calories)
- 200 grams of protein (40% calories)
- 50 grams of carbs (10% calories)
- Total Calories: 2,000
(NOTE: 1 gram of fat = 9 calories. 1 gram of protein/carbs = 4 calories.)
We guarantee that if you have trouble losing weight and you switch to a low carb diet, you will see great progress almost immediately.
But How Do You Know How Many Calories You Should Eat Per Day?
Figuring this out is actually much easier than most people think.
First, you find out how many calories your body will typically burn each day just by you being alive.
Use this calculator to find out what your "Daily Maintenance Calories" are :
Your daily maintenance calories are approximately the amount of calories your body needs to eat just to stay the same weight.
That is a good level to shoot for in the beginning.
If your Daily Maintenance Calories are 2,500; then you should aim to eat 2,500 calories for 1 week---following a low carbohydrate diet split.
Then weigh yourself & look at yourself in the mirror after that first week.
(Chances are you will lose weight & your body will start re-comping itself.)
If you lose weight, then great! Keep the calories the same for another 1 week.
If your weight stayed the same then it's time to chop off 200-300 calories from your daily amount. (1st time decreasing calories)
At the end of each week, you weigh yourself to see if you are losing weight.
Once a whole week goes by without you losing any weight, then you can chop off another 100-200 calories from your daily intake. (2nd+ time decreasing calories)
Alternatively you can INCREASE the amount of cardio you are doing weekly instead of lowering your calories to continue losing weight & burning fat.
You continue doing this until you are at the weight/body fat you desire!
(Note: You should never go below -1,000 calories under your daily maintenance)
So give it a try.
Do it for 1 week.
ANYONE can do a new diet for 1 week.
After 1 week, record your progress, and then decide if it’s worth it to continue it or not.